Sunday, October 26, 2008

Like eat your outfit lol! Sorry Fever_Cole

Fever_Cole has gone a little over the top with her outfit, typically she is an outfit inspiration but toady something terribley went wrong. *Shrill Of terror!!* She attempted to beat Stardolls Guiness book of records with the most hotbuys/rares by any other medoll but someone or should I say something was lost in the process......):
ORIGINALITY! I mean come on the top half other than the masqurade ball hair is okay but I've seen it before, The DKNY chunky and a jacket I mean it's cheerios I want to see some fruit loops. Now for the bottom/tights/"stripper" hotbuys boots can look good but not paired together. I mean the boots are semi-pretty but when paired with provactive bottoms one can only think the worst. Well no harsh feelings we all make mistakes and well some BIG ones....Have a good munch fest Godzilla!
The-Artist aka Noelle

DEBATE not finished yet...):

Okayy missy Truestargirl gonna message me today with her comments on this top so be patient and no complaining! (:
The-artist aka Noelle

Saturday, October 25, 2008

New Banner

Ok. So I have made a new Banner for myself, because my other one was cute, but to sloppy. I tried to clean it up, but it just didnt work out, so I spent all night making a new one. :]

P.S. I am working on some more juicy stardoll gossip to spread to all you glamourous bloggers! :]

Xx Tiffany/Truestargal

Secret HotBuys

Ok so I was on Stardoll and visiting my friends as I always do, and I noticed that one of my friends, GyreHound, had this really cute new HotBuys dress in her suite. So as usual I rushed to the StarPlaza and clicked under the new catgory, but I didnt see the dress.

I found out that to get this new dress, you have to click on the little magnafine glass to get into the search part, and then search under pink dresses. Its on the 3rd page I think. It is a really cute dress, and once I gain some money, I will definitly buy it. Plus its a Hotbuy, for just $5. What a bargin! :]

~This is the Dress~ ------>

Xx Tiffany/Truestargal

Results of da Poll


(Style_Magazine)                                               (Isabella.Arci)
Okay I featured some of those voted for the "elites" needing the biggest style revamp, I was suprised that style_Magazine got that many considering her unique taste for using minishop items to make a rare looking outfits like the one above is made of those lace curtains!! I think Isabella.Arci was a bit of a shocker too but really hasn't she worn that same look like a billion times, I mean its still fab but a litle old, but her awesome personality makes up for it. Springate came in second another "fall-out-of-my-seat-moment" Anthony is always a risk taker and 90% of the time he shows up above the rest. *I also pardon the error in the poll because sophia.lauren is not the elite member I meant to write the real one is Sophia*Lauren Sorry for the mistake!
Noelle xoxoxoxo <3

BeverlyHillHei has role model for her creative outfits who else other than Mary-Kate Olsen? Can't you see they're twins, (sorry Ashley..(;  
BeverlyHillsHei is no newbie to the fashion world, real life to stardoll. I tried to capture her amazining-ness (yes I made up a word for her) in this "photo-shoot" Though I do admit that green and orange polka dot bag at the right is vomit-causing...I put also in the local boutiques just down the road from me, green canvas bag that is handprinted (ehmmm free advertising yo....) BeverlyHillsHei is worth a visit you may just have to take a double take when you look at her just to check she's not Mary-Kate (cause she has like ALL the Olsen clothes like OMG (:

The-artist aka Noelle

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Like can you say stardoll-finally-did-something-good? Except for a few glitches ):

Like as usual I was bored as huffalumps on the computer so I saw a link near stardesign and clicked it *que the dramatic theme music* WE FINALLY CAN DESIGN FURNITTURE!!!! Same deal as stardesign except non-superstars can do it and you can make rugs, couches, lams, curtains but is making me cry is I bought an uber cool couch but its nowhere to be found and I want my bucks back damn you stardoll glitches I know Callie has something against me hehe):

The-artist aka Noelle says it all....:(

So this randomer/matchmaker of sorts pops up on the elite radar spamming the so called elites gb's with who do you want to marry I shall set you up but if you deny demands by her she does not go away she just keeps up the pestering. Then another odd thing is she joined like 4 days ago but yet knows the ropes so well she knows the elites this makes me think that she really is an ex-elite trying to get attention, she looks like, and she has been off the radar lately making me assume (I know assuming makes an ass out of you and me get it haha) its her trying to claw her way back on top by making the elite pull there hair out from her constant bickering, personally I think its about time some elites get a taste of there own medicine but what did they do to deserve this witch??.

Girl gone gothic

Okay doing my usual surfing around stardoll when I stumbled across one of the users with the 1700's beehive, immediately amused cause I thought the doll would look redonkulous and I was up for a laugh but I was grimly suprised......There was a scary excocist-ish doll (pelogija_ to be exact lol), like come on when did color die ):

The-artist aka Noelle

Tiffany Here!

Hello There all you stardollers. hehe. I am Truestargal, aka Tiffany, and I am the new [[co]] author of Noelle's blog!!! Yay! I am really excited, mostley because I've never had a blog before, or ever even seen the "behind the scene" process, so this is really cool. :] I will be looking forward to writing a whole LOT more, so yeah. lol. :]

Xx Tiffany/Truestargal/co author


Since I obviously can't be on here 24/7 (wish I could.....) TrueStarGal is joining my blog staff and we our the co-producers of this neon/rainbow masterpiece. TruestarGirl aka Tiffany is like the angel sent down from stardoll heaven she is blessed withthe power any girl would ever want, how to look hot...with no further waiing here is the banner for TrueStarGirl! (above lol)

The-artist aka Noelle

ERRMMM okayyyy?!?

I guess stardoll is trying to make a quick buck with another promotion, the thing is I can't find the connectin with any recent straight to DVD movies and our free clothes...hmmmmm (: 

You just enter your suite and there appears to be like a gazzilion presents, I was totally physed cuz I felt like somebody actually sent me gifts rather than the perv callie lol jk no offence well I found the items interesting but nothing special but I bet they're "RARE" enough to find in the bazaar tommorrow for 60 well anywho you get a pretty sick eyepatch, I LOVE it because it makes me feel bad ass, a sword (umm I guess stardoll is promoting pirate violence lol.) a corset 9its kayyy) pirate they said knickers and a floncy top and stripper boots, (DAMN I LOVE STARDOLL! lolz)
The-artist aka Noelle

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I personally would never of thought stardoll would carry through but they did with lip glossy lips! The same displayed on the new sign up page! SO CUTE!

Love, the-artist aka Noelle
PS the lips are under smiling and first one in lip section!!

SHORT NEW HAIR REVIEW I'm about to puke all over these pixely do's :p

Okay let me begin they order goes left to right, 1,2,3...
1, I adore this look very posh, I mean very clean cut I imagine proffesional when I look at this but I fear this cut will be overused beyond belief by elites!
2, Can you say attack of the scraggle monster!! LOL Split ends galore add to a grunge/puke-y look that ends up looking like the hair dress had a blind fold on.
3, I'm all for punk but this is just weird it looks like an afro that morphed with the cheap sephora hair die but turned out like two diffrent cuts! When using highlights make a transtion between natural to highlighted hair!
4, Okay this looks like an oriental prostitutes hair but it turned out kinda cute and its growing on me...(:
5, Okay this is one retro trend I sortof like I mean its mixed with the clean modern look of today with the 1800's bun. (:
the-artist aka Noelle

WTPFF(WHAT THE PUTRID FISH FUNK?!?!?) I am not up to standards! LOL I guess I have to update 0:

This makes me sad ): I actually have to do something.......*falls asleep at computer*WAKES up whoa I almost did something productive!
The-artist aka Noelle

New load page I miss the sketchy walking girl with no visible features ):

I guess I'm weird but this is funny I mean I miss the random girl filling with pink when going to the room it seems stardoll is losing ALL originality and becoming more mediocore like  with them copying most EVERYTHING from i-dress up!
The-artist aka Noelle xoxoxoox 

Glitch B!

Ok so weird right??!?!?!? I was attempting to organize my storage box and it wouldn't let me put the item in but rather it kept on multiplying the item to the point of histarics. I found after I saved it and came back to the suite the copied items were gone but who would risk getting there account deleted to copy items and sell them?? I thought I found the key to the multiple dkny, rares, hotbuys etc sales but I guess not ):
The-artist aka Noelle


Like am I freaking seeing an allusion stardoll has done a good deed a very good one at that or at least for the most part, look at these fab New HAIR STYLES!!
1, This style is my second fav totally sheek I love the side swept volume! It's like the 80's are coming back to fashion or at least this is a good trend to bring back!
2, This FABULOUS hair is my all time fav thus my new medoll makeover probs cuz its lush with diffrent textures...<3
3, I mean its a little coture/1700's/halloween Its kinda cute but fugly at the same time, so hard to explain sortof like that mole on you teachers face. Warning just don't over wear it, be the bride of frankenstine but don't look like your stuck at a masqurade ball 24/7 lol!
4, EWWWWWW its like cleopatra met a hair crimper and forgot that crimping your hair is soooo 90's and one of thse retro looks your REALLY want to forget.
5, I'm sorry if you love this but I don't I'm okay with it, it just looks like you rolled out of bed and haven't washed your hair in two weeks and it is extremely windy outside but you can think what you want.....
6, Its sortof chic minus the ratail, its like a ballerina bun that had a baby with obi wan and got his weird hair thing in the back...
7, I'm sorry but it looks like the medoll has like 10 strands of hair, no volume, and sortof a grease pit looking, like that cute little kid who got into his dads moose and poured the whole bottle in his hair and got so slicked down that it looked stiff. ): UPDATE: OMG this hair cut is growing on me! take everything back it looks hot I just can't resist complementing.
8,Umm looks likes Sandy from Greases hair on steroids and that is not a good thing but hey if you like having your hair 4X as big as your head go for it.

The-artist aka Noelle xoxoxooxo 

Hey you nubblet! NEW BANNER

Hey the artist here sorry its been so long but I'm gonna use the dreaded excuse just about every stardoll gossiper uses school, responsibilities blah blah well I'll try to write a new post more often. Love you!
The-artist aka Noelle


Just in time for Halloween this "stardoll user who did not wish her name to be listed but you may doll hunt her if you wish" is ready to go the only thing missing is the thriller song for her grand entrance.
Much love and criticism,
The fab four including the head Diva The-artist aka Noelle

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hot as Hell Party

(Cookiemonste12's Day after Halloween Part will be hot for details check out cookiemonste12's presentation.

Now to business, SORRY for not being on for so long or posting but I have one of the lamest excuses.....SCHOOL! Well I will try to add a new post per weekend!
AKA Noelle