Fever_Cole has gone a little over the top with her outfit, typically she is an outfit inspiration but toady something terribley went wrong. *Shrill Of terror!!* She attempted to beat Stardolls Guiness book of records with the most hotbuys/rares by any other medoll but someone or should I say something was lost in the process......):
ORIGINALITY! I mean come on the top half other than the masqurade ball hair is okay but I've seen it before, The DKNY chunky and a jacket I mean it's cheerios I want to see some fruit loops. Now for the bottom/tights/"stripper" hotbuys boots can look good but not paired together. I mean the boots are semi-pretty but when paired with provactive bottoms one can only think the worst. Well no harsh feelings we all make mistakes and well some BIG ones....Have a good munch fest Godzilla!
The-Artist aka Noelle
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